Use of pectinase and glucose oxidase enzymes for production of dragon fruit juice with high recovery efficiency and product quality

Authors: Nguyen Khac Trung, Hoang Thi Le Hang, Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh

Summary: Utilization of pectinaza and glucooxidaza enzymes for Thanh long fruit juice processing proved a high effect on quality and cost price of product. Treating the pulp of Thanh long fruit with Pectinex Ultra SP-L in 0,03% concentration for 120 minutes at 400C increased the productivity of fruit juice extraction by 16%-17%. Beside, using Gluzym Mono 10.000BG enzym in 0,003% concentration at 500C for 10 minutes restrained change the color of fruit juice during 6 months of storage.

Fruit and vegetable research institute
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